Ayurvedic Treatment for Acidity / Acid Reflux

Ayurvedic Treatment for Acidity / Acid Reflux

Using ayurvedic medicines that can suppress acid formation is very effective in treating acidity.

Herbs useful in Hyperacidity/ Acid reflux

1] Amla - One of the Ayurvedic herbs recommended for the treatment of acid reflux is amla, which is used for a variety of digestive problems. Amla can be taken with warm milk or eaten with vegetables to help settle the stomach. 
2] Coriander -The culinary herb and spice coriander is also an effective treatment for acidity. Ayrurvedic practitioners also recommend taking 1 tbsp. coriander juice with 4 oz. butter milk to reduce acidity in the stomach.
3] Mint -The mint family consists of peppermint, spearmint and basil, or tulsi; their natural oils can relieve heartburn and concomitant symptoms. For the treatment of acid reflux, Ayurvedic practitioners often prescribe Tulsi or Holy basil to reduce acid production and lessen the tendency for reflux and heartburn. Chewing on a few fresh leaves of tulsi relieves the burning pain of reflux. These herbs can be used both fresh and dried.
4] Licorice -Ayurvedic medicine uses licorice root. Making an herbal tea provides relief from burning pain and other symptoms of acid reflux.

Ayurvedic Medicines for Acidity/ GERD/ Heartburn are -

Kamadudha Ras (with pearls) is a drug of choice for hyperacidity in the dose of 1 tablet thrice daily.
Avipattikar churna can be taken with water before your daily meal. It is good for your bowel movement and is effective in heartburn treatment or acidity.
Narikel lavann is also a good remedy to cure hyperacidity. 
Sukumara Ghrita is a specific treatment and is administered in doses of one to two teaspoonfuls mixed with a cup of milk and given first thing in the morning.It may lead to some impairment of the digestive powers of the patient in the beginning, but he recovers the power of digestion after some days.
Dhaatri lauha (calyx of iron mixed with the juice of amla) may be taken in one teaspoonful dose twice a day. In acidity, iron absorption is impaired and this will be corrected with this medicine.
In severe cases, Ayurvedic physicians may prescribe Swarna parpatee, Suvarna Soota sekhara ras etc. If needed, these medicines may be taken under medical supervision.
Exercise for Hyperacidity
Exercise helps in controlling acidity Morning walk are good for your health and keeps the acidity disease under control. Take a walk of about two kilometres early in the morning.

Yoga for Hyperacidity

Yogic exercises and meditation keeps your overall internal system (like digestive system, nervous system) and external system in good condition. Depression, anxiety worsens the acidity disease so try to live a stress-free life for healthy and happy living. Some of the useful yoga postures are -
Surya namaskar, Sarvangasan, Bhujangasan,Naukasan,Paschimottanasan,Vajrasan,Bhastrika Pranayam,Sitali Ptanayam and Sitkari Pranayam