Radish Juice

Radish Juice


10 radishes
sea salt (optional)
chopping board

Radishes are sweet and juicy vegetables that are preferably eaten raw, cooked, or pickled. Another best way to consume these sharp vegetables is by drinking their tasty juice.
Radish juice is quite a fulfilling and wholesome juice which should be consumed as much as possible when the season is here. The juice can be heartily devoured by all – from children to adults. Store it in Vaya Drynk and enjoy the cold juice any time of the day! Here’s an easy-to-follow recipe for radish juice you can make within 10 minutes!
Health Benefits
Radish is a root vegetable that is known for numerous health benefits. The vegetable is known as a powerful detoxifier that eliminates harmful toxins and unwanted waste from the body. Owing to its anti-inflammatory properties, radish decreases the burning sensation sometimes experienced during urination. It also helps to deal with various kidney and stomach problems.
One of the reasons why people suffer from illnesses like jaundice is because they have low red blood cells in the body. The consumption of radish on a regular basis will help to maintain the red blood cells in your body. Thus, you will be protected from dangerous illness like jaundice.
A radish juice is very fulfilling as it contains lots of water, which can satisfy your hunger immediately and will maintain the hydration level in your body. This in turn will nourish your skin and cleanses the acne.
Also, drinking radish juice can be a great energizer as it is high in fiber. But there is more to it! Radish is low on the glycemic index (GI) which increases the efficiency of metabolism thereby helping in weight loss.


  1. Wash the radishes and blend the chopped radishes in the juicer.
  2. Once the radishes are in a liquid form, pour the collected juice into a bowl through a strainer in order to remove any pulp or seeds.
  3. Keep the bowl in the refrigerator to cool.
  4. Once the juice is cooled, pour it in the glass. Add a pinch of sea salt for taste, if required.
  5. Serve the cold juice and enjoy! If you are planning on carrying you juice along while heading out, make sure to carry it in an insulated water bottle.
  1. Radish crops were first cultivated in China.
  2. Radish is a root crop, which is commonly found in white, red, purple, and black colors.
  3. They belong to the mustard or cabbage family.
  4. The roots of the radish are related to kale, broccoli, cauliflower, and horseradish.
  5. Ancient Egyptians used radish oil in their diet before olive oil was discovered.

Celery Juice

Celery Juice


2 celery
fresh ginger – small and peeled
green apple – cut into chunks
parsley – medium-sized bunch with stems
1 1/2 tbsp fresh lemon juice

You know it’s right when they say, “take your greens.” You can take your greens in raw, cooked or in drinks. Celery juice is a highly detoxifying drink that help in energizing you and maintaining healthy skin. Here’s a simple recipe that you could use.
Health benefits
Celery juice is hydrating and effective in maintaining the body’s natural pH balance. It helps rejuvenate cells, balance nutrients, absorb nutrients easily and prevent cardiovascular diseases. It is also effective in minimizing inflammation and improving immunity system. Celery is a natural diuretic and can help relieve bladder disorders. It is effective in eliminating toxins from the body.
Celery juice, combined with other ingredients, helps in digestion and detoxification. The protective compounds in celery promote cardiovascular health, increase blood circulation, purify blood stream and reduce bad cholesterol.
Anti-inflammatory properties
Celery contains anti-inflammatory properties that help the body get rid of free radicals and promote heart health. Luteolin in celery helps reduce oxidative stress and prevent DNA damage. It is also effective in lowering inflammatory tissues in the body.
Skin benefits
Celery helps in reviving skin cells, cleansing the skin of toxins from within and preventing premature aging. The vitamins in celery are effective in improving skin elasticity and preserving the skin’s firmness.


Add all the ingredients in a juicer. Mix lemon juice. Stir well. Serve
  • It’s better to get celery from organic sources because toxins from pesticides, insecticides and environment get into your body and make you prone to illnesses. Since celery is dirty and needs to be sprayed with pesticides, your best bet for maximum health benefits is to get it organic.
  • The greener the juice, the more flavor and nutrition it has.

Cucumber Juice

                      Cucumber Juice


8 celery stalks
2 limes
1/2 pineapple juice
2 large cucumbers

No drink is better suited for a heated and sweating body than Cucumber Juice. Since the scorching summers are already here, we need something as cooling as this yummy beverage to help us cool down. The juice also helps us refresh our mind and body without us having to work much for it.
Fortunately for all of us, cucumbers are readily available in summers, are pretty affordable and their juice is easiest to make. All you need to do is follow this recipe and have the best summers ever.
Health Benefits:
Let’s just say that cucumber can be and should be your new best friend every summer. If there’s anything that can beat the heat, it’s the ever cool cucumbers. This hydrating vegetable contains 96% water and serves as the best skin and hair health tonic in the summers.
Additionally, drinking this juice frequently, will also flush out all the toxic waste materials from your body and ensure that all your digestive organs are in top-notch condition.
The astringent properties of cucumbers and the potassium present in celery combine together to create a formidable force against dirt, toxins, and the excess fluid that threatens the health of our body.
Basically, all the vitamins that you need every day to lead a healthier life can be provided to the body if you include cucumbers in your diet. Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Zinc.


  1. Begin by properly washing all the vegetables and getting rid of the dirt properly.
  2. Peel the pineapple and cut it into randomly shaped pieces so that it grinds easily.
  3. Peel the cucumbers if you wish, but you can also leave them as they are.
  4. In a juicer, add celery stalks, cucumbers and pineapple and blend it well.
  5. Transfer the juice to a pitcher and drizzle lemon juice on it. Mix, refrigerate and serve ice cold!

Unlike energy drinks like Redbull that have so many harmful substances in them, cucumbers really do give you wings with their burst of energy providing nutrients.

Coriander Juice: the Detoxifier

Coriander Juice: the Detox Expert


a handful or two coriander leaves
1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsp lemon Juice
200 ml water

Coriander is an herb extensively used in all kitchens across the world. If you ever consider growing a kitchen garden, make sure to include coriander in the list. It is a versatile herb that can be used to make chutneys, spreads, dips, garnishing, and of course, juices! The miracle herb, coriander, is a great source of essential oils, minerals, and vitamins.
This recipe of coriander juice is a heady mix of coriander leaves and lemon! When you are desperate for a juice fix and your groceries are diminishing, you can count upon coriander juice to salvage you from fatigue. So just lay back and sip this phenomenon of an elixir to rejuvenate your spirits!
Health Benefits:
Coriander is a good source of essential oils, minerals, and vitamins.
Coriander juice is a good alternative to tea and coffee.
When taken early in the morning on an empty stomach, coriander juice serves as an effective detoxifier.
The health benefits of coriander juice are many; it helps reduce cholesterol, regulate blood sugar, treat skin inflammation, mouth ulcers and other conditions.


  1. Clean and chop coriander leaves
  2. Heat water in a vessel over medium flame, add the coriander leaves and let boil for 10 minutes.
  3. Remove the pot from the stove and let cool.
  4. Strain the coriander water, add lemon and salt, mix well and enjoy!
  • Coriander is also called Chinese parsley and considered both an herb and spice.
  • All plants of coriander are edible, including the roots! You can use coriander stalks in soups, stocks, broths and salads.
  • Coriander was popular and widely consumed in ancient Egypt and Greece.
  • It is speculated that a person’s fondness or dislike towards coriander is genetic!